(Josh Altered At Birth And Steve)
Attention Craab member who is currently viewing this page.
As the founders and president/kings of J.A.A.B.A.S. it is within the power of Josh and Steve to extend invitations to certain special members of craab whom we think worthy to be elevated/promoted and in all other ways advanced to the level of J.A.A.B.A.S. members. Through high tech internet monitoring software, We have been able to learn that you, the person who is viewing this page right now is just such a person. Therefore, friend, we have, in great kindness, chosen to extend this opportunity to you to plead for a position within our organization. Please supply your name as well as any reasons you think you are worthy of being a member of JAABAS in the spaces below.

Note: Especially good bits of personal defacing will be posted as examples of how one gets on the good side of Josh and Steve.
Desperate Pleadings:

Petitions recieved so far:

Boors Thunt Writes:
Look, the only reason I'm even in Crab is so I can hang out with you guys. If you're not in crab then there's no reason for me to be here. Truth is that I've always thought crab was really stupid, I just went along with it because I thought it would make you guys like me. Anyway, LONG LIVE JAABAS!!!
This is the official Website for the "Josh Altered at Birth And Steve" organization. People who are not Josh or Steve should not come to this site because this site is only for really smart and good looking people like Josh and Steve.

Click to see how much money is in the JAABAS bank account right now....
"Best Hockey Player List:"

1. Josh
2. Steve
3. Wayne Gretsky
4. James Mckay
5. Jimmy Blair
6. Anakin Skywalker
7. Jake Lloyd
8. Mr. Bean
9. Hellen Kheller
10. Speed Racer
11. Orco
12. Gargamel
13. Etuate
14. Chun Lee
15. Jimmy Blair
16. Long John Silver
17. Duo
18. Allen Kenney
19. Dhalsim
20. Osama Bin Laden
21. Suddam Husein
22. Christopher Reeves
23. Kohl Glass